15-03-2022 - Book List 2022-23       15-03-2022 - Fee Structure 2022-23      



It is a school with difference. here best possible education is imparted to the children in a high tech learning environment. Our school offers a qualitative all round education and encourages the students to work independently and co-operatively in smart learning based , enriching and child friendly environment.

A team of qualified, trained and dedicated staff members with a lot of affection and love for kids working here makes our school a happy and safe place to promote student's self esteem and support individual creativity. Our mission work together to achieve common goal - ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE . Our vision to provide quality education to make children fit as they can compete today's global competition. Ready English speaking environment to improve communication skill. We donot only focus on the scholastic subjects but also try to explore the hidden talents of our children in the field of indoor & outdoor Games, Art, Yoga, Sports etc. Facilities are there for inter house competition and co curricular activities among all students throughout session.

The student's almanac acts as a strong medium of correspondence between the school and parents. It is a compendium of all the school rules and regulations and a ready reckoned for all purpose. The almanac plays a vital role in actualising the school's vision of creating happy and disciplined children.

A special appeal to all parents/guardians, please attend all Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM), workshops, specially organised for you. Kindly attend each meeting, result day or function at school premises without fail.

It is request to the parents to cope with the school, so that we can shape the kids in a desire fashion. Unless and until we get help from you, our action is of no worth. Any sort of doubt regarding the progress of your kids be brought to our notice and we both together solve the problem. Your suggestion, constructive ideas of any type regarding development of school will be highly appreciated. CHILDREN CAN NOT BE MADE GOOD BY MAKING THEM HAPPY, BUT THEY CAN BE MADE HAPPY BY MAKING THEM GOOD.

With warm regards

Misbah English Medium School, Jhumpura, Keonjhar, Odisha

 REGD NO : KJR-2670-7-1997/98

 COR - DEO, KJR/08/2018-19

